We are a collective of artists, craftspeople, architects, material scientists and urbanists and work in an interdisciplinary field between art, design, spatial planning and social engagement. Our main motivation is to appropriate public space with various formats and in cooperation with other city makers and, together with city residents, to enable low-threshold access to activities, workshops and social and cultural offerings in the neighborhood.
The FOR:UM infrastructure was created in 2022 as part of the City of the Future. With this tool for low-threshold actions in public spaces, we temporarily activated various locations in 2023 through various pop-up formats. We are now involved in a wide range of projects to promote urban development for the common good and urban practice! We usually do this in cooperation with local actors and with the help of a broad network of supporters. In our project overview you will find our activities, some initiated by us, in cooperation or as a commission. A mix of volunteering and paid work.
Further information about current FOR:UM campaigns can be found on Instagram.
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please write to us using the contact form. (if that doesn't work then forum(aet)konglomerat.org)
We look forward to your message!